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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lets talk about Electric Fruit Juicer

Health and WellbeingUsing Diet, Exercise And Weight Management To Prevent Cancer

The American Institute for Cancer Research advises a vegetarian or plant-based diet for the prevention of many types of cancers. Research has found that a person?s diet, exercise and weight are intricately linked with the incidence of cancer. They also found that an attention to this alone can save up to three to four million cancer related deaths every year world wide. If people work at minimizing the factors that are linked to the risks then 60-70 percent of cancers are preventable. A high consumption of red meat slows down the breakdown rate of food and can lead to colorectal cancer.

Fruits and vegetables are known to be the best type of diet for the prevention of cancer of many types. The American Cancer Society advises five to ten portions of the same on a daily basis to reduce chances of cancer by at least 40 percent. Year-round consumption is advisable for maximum benefits.

In fruits, vegetables and legumes i.e. dried beans and pulses of various types, one finds vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and other substances that work towards preventing cancer. These would help in preventing against cancer of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, colon, rectum, stomach and lungs and have lower rates in the incidence of breast, pancreas, larynx and bladder cancers. Phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables interfere with the development of the cancer cells.

Prostrate cancer and cancer of the skin, lung, bladder and cervix are protected by lycopene found in all tomato and tomato based products. Lutien is found in spinach, avocado and various green, yellow and leafy vegetables and it is a prevention against eye trouble of all types and lutein combined with lycopene works effectively to control cancer of the prostrate.

Vegetables and fruits are generally not fattening and so weight management is something that happens very naturally. This way incidence of obesity linked cancers is greatly reduced. Your ideal weight would be about eleven pounds over and above the medically accepted weight for your height.

Along with fruits and vegetables one can also incorporate lean meats, poultry, seafood and switch to the fat free or low fat versions of all diary products like cheese, mayonnaise etc. All cured and fried meats are rich in nitrates and very poor from your health?s point of view. So avoid these as much as possible. Salt is something to avoid and should be replaced with herbs and seasonings.

And last but not the least get yourself a fitness regime of some sort to suit your lifestyle and your body capability. An hour of walking if not brisk walking can do wonders for your health and combined with a good diet will give you a longer and illness free life for sure. There are a lot of people who have a genetic history of cancer and for them these lifestyle and diet changes will help reduce their chances of falling prey to cancer by at least 40 percent. A simple enough recipe for a healthy life.

Electric Fruit JuicerBetter Nutrition (1989-90) - Juice fruits and vegetables for maximum nutrition - use of electric juicers and other food processors; includes related information

Wed, 01 Nov 1989 08:00:00 GMT
November 1, 1989 -- Juice fruits and vegetables for maximum nutrition Electric juicers are essential if you want to reap the maximum nutritional benefits from fresh...



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