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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Recent information on Natural Supplements

Natural SupplementsMental Performance Degradation

Sat, 21 Jun 2008 16:10:04 EDT
MSG and aspartame are the two main culprits; MSG is everywhere in processed food, under the guise of such names as "textured vegetable protein", "hydrolyzed protein", a nd my favorite, "natural flavor". ... Fortunately, there's much that one can do to protect oneself, by avoiding these toxins and using specific nutritional supplements, which Dr. Blaylock covers in great detail....

Introduction to the True Power of Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition Supplement

Sun, 15 Jun 2008 08:55:47 EDT
Why should you take pills, capsules or tablets if there is a liquid?
Why you waste your money to look for the best supplements if there is an exact best choice of supplement?
Why don't you cho...

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