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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Recent information on Barleygrass

Barleygrass TopicsAnxiety

9. Remember the benefits of exercise.

Remember that feeling of euphoria you experienced after a particularly good work-out? You experienced that feeling because the most powerful "feel good" drug in the world - endorphins - were coursing through your veins. If there is a panacea, it's exercise. Nothing feels better than the post-work-out high you experience after exercising. Revel in that feeling. Let it wash over you and truly experience it. Etch that feeling in your brain. It will fuel your motivation on those inevitable days when you just don't feel like exercising. Being physically fit affects every single aspect of your life: you sleep better, eat better, love better, overcome stress better, work better, communicate better, and live better!
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Carob Pods

However, if that kind of exercise is unpalatable to you, then do what I do. I give myself a couple of projects to do around the house every week. Clean out the garage, hand-wash the car, sweep and hose the patio, do some work in the yard, etc� any activity that will keep you moving, reaching, bending, pulling, and contracting your muscles for 30-45 minutes is EXERCISE! The added benefit is instead of just having a sweaty body and some burned calories to show for it� you'll also have a clean patio, a shiny car, a beautiful garden, and a neatly organized closet to boot. :o)
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Carob Pods

Weight Loss
Flaxseed - Brown Whole Flaxseed - 1KG
Naturally Green Blog - Wheatgrass



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