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Thursday, April 03, 2008

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1. Tell your doctor that you are going to begin exercising at a level where you will be breathing vigorously. Ask if, based on your physical condition, you should limit your effort and if so, to what level.
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Natural RemedyA Healthy Diet For Dogs


A Healthy Diet For Dogs

Submitted By: Janie Knetzer

Most dog owners rely on dry or canned food as the mainstay of their dog's diet. However, in spite of commercial claims to the contrary, most dogs on the traditional dog food diet are nutritionally deprived.

A Diet Of Convenience

Due to the domestication of dogs over the years, a commercial dog food diet such as kibble has replaced the canine natural diet. Their food has gone from that which they could obtain as predators and foragers to one that is highly processed and a matter of convenience for humans. This, in turn, has not only caused nutritional deficiencies, but many health problems for our furry friends.

Although, most dog owners would never do anything intentionally to harm their dog, their lack of nutritional awareness is causing many chronic health and skin problems for the family dog. By understanding the importance of a quality diet, dog owners can save themselves hundreds even thousands of dollars in vet bills.

Digestive difficulties and other health problems such as skin irritations are often related to nutritional deficiencies and a poor diet. By simply changing to a "premium all natural dog food" skin and digestive problems as well as chronic gas can often be eliminated.

All living things, whether plant or animal, have enzymes naturally within their cells. This is also true of dogs. However, when a dog is not receiving adequate nutrition, he becomes prone to many health problems, including skin conditions, excess gas and a lack of energy.

Again, because dogs have become domesticated throughout the years, their food has gone from one of a completely natural state (i.e., animal prey and naturally growing plants, such as grasses) to one that is highly processed, as in today's modern dog food diets. They have lost a lot of nutritional value in their diets, including enzymes that would normally and naturally occur.

Because digestive enzymes are naturally found in the body, introducing them back into a dog's diet can aid and balance his digestive system. Enzymes themselves set off chemical reactions that will help digest food. There are two different types of enzymes. One is a protein called apoenzyme. The other is a nonprotein, which can either be a coenzyme or cofactor.

Enzymes added to the diet are necessary to replace a raw diet for dogs and balance the canine digestive system. Usually introduced in a powder or tablet, enzyme supplements help the dog to absorb his food. Dogs that receive what they need nutritionally will feel better and have more energy and a healthier coat.

Dogs that are fed the B.A.R.F. (raw) diet seem to be amongst the healthiest. Keep in mind that even top-quality premium kibble dog foods often need the help of an added enzyme. Commercial foods are far removed from what a dog would naturally eat in the wild. However, if this is your diet of choice for your dog, you must add back the necessary digestive enzymes he needs to replace what he is not getting. It generally takes six hours for a dog to digest a raw diet and fourteen hours for him to digest kibble.

Wolves eat a raw diet by killing their prey and consuming the major organs first. The organs themselves contain vitamins and nutrients that the canine needs. Among these vitamins and nutrients are the digestive enzymes they need to help digest their food.

Unfortunately, domestic dogs cannot always get the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients from a dry kibble diet. Therefore, they must be replaced, unless the owner makes a special effort to give the dog a raw diet.

Enzymes are important for all dogs, but especially for older dogs and those with a weakened immune system. Also, dog owners with large deep chested dogs that are susceptible to the deadly "Bloat" should seriously consider adding enzymes to their dog's diet to replace the raw food diet. Puppies should also receive digestive enzymes as early as possible to promote good health and nutrition throughout his life.

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Goji Power (vegan, raw, organic): The ultimate power food, goji berries have been prized for millennia in Asia for their superior energy-boosting properties ...

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Maca Online for nutrition

Maca Online DiscussionSuperfoods

� If you have mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth, have them replaced. In many instances, this step alone has led to elimination of cancer.

� Immediately eliminate bad habits and begin building build good ones so that you will make sure that you no longer have habits that weaken your immune system and that you will be able to build your body to fight and conquer illness. A sedentary lifestyle with a poor diet, lack of pure water, sunshine and fresh air, and constant exposure to toxins will in time lead to bad health conditions. Remember, bad health habits are open invitations for illness and disease to enter your body.

� Begin and maintain a healthy immune-boosting and cancer fighting diet. A good balanced diet, pure water, fresh air, sunshine and exercise are some of the essentials. You will find that a good diet does not have to be a bad tasting diet � far from it! However, it should be noted that the very best and most healthy diet is one that is close to the diet our ancestors evolved to utilize: lots of fresh and uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots and tubers, and fish and meat uncontaminated by growth hormones, artificial fertilizers or pesticides � and little or no grain or dairy products. It should be noted that of all the foods, essentially only raw vegetables and fruits contribute to an alkaline pH.
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Kelp Powder

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HolisticSources Of Vitamins When D Is What The Doctor Ordered

Getting enough Vitamin D is much typically not a huge issue for most people today, but it was just a few years ago that a lack of this vitamin was a serious health issue. As recently as the early 1900s, many children suffered from rickets, a severe malformation of legs caused by a lack of Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is vital to the formation of strong bones. When both children and adults don?t get enough Vitamin D, they may have a tendency toward skeletal problems, such as osteomalacia, rickets and weak bones. This is also one of the vitamins that can help regulate growth, making it very important for children in their formative years.

You may think that milk is a natural source of Vitamin D, but milk is actually fortified with several vitamins, including Vitamin D. The practice began in direct response to the high number of rickets cases that hit the United States in the early 1900s. While milk is a good source of Vitamin D because it?s fortified with this vitamin, it?s not a natural source.

Some fish are high in Vitamin D and make excellent sources of this vitamin during a typically daily intake. Two of the more common are tuna and salmon. That means that a tuna sandwich for lunch each day can provide a significant start on the amount of Vitamin D needed to maintain healthy bones. Mackerel, sardines and cod are also sources of Vitamin D ? which means those doses of cod liver oil had some serious health benefits for the pioneers who had access to few real medicines.

Eggs are another natural source of Vitamin D. You can use eggs in many ways to increase the amount of Vitamin D in your daily diet. Egg salad sandwiches are a quick ?on the go? option, but boiled eggs also make a good ?fast food? for breakfast or as a mid-morning snack.

Many people don?t like liver, but beef liver is a good source of Vitamin D. There are other benefits of liver, including the fact that this is an excellent natural source of iron ? important if you?re trying to boost your iron or battle anemia. Unfortunately, it takes quite a large serving of beef liver to significantly increase the amount of Vitamin D in your diet.

One thing to remember is that many dairy products are fortified with Vitamin D, but are not natural sources. That means that milk, cheese and other dairy products won?t help you get the Vitamin D you need unless those products have been fortified with this important vitamin. Be sure to check the label before you assume that you?re getting the Vitamin D you need from your daily dairy consumption.

About the Author:

Bob Benson is the founder of Vitamins online. You can check out our website at

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