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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Health and Wellbeing discussion

Health and WellbeingAre Liquid Vitamins a Better Alternative to Pills?

You do need vitamins. If not properly gotten out of the daily food intakes, these vitamins can be taken in as supplements. They regulate the body's metabolism. They act as antioxidants. They also take an important role in protein structure, hormones, and blood. Are liquid vitamins a better alternative to pills?

Since the outburst of taking in a diet nutrition which cannot suffice the body needs, vitamins are taken as alternatives. As alternatives, vitamins carry with them the nutrients needed to support the body and therefore boost the body to perform the tasks it is expected to fulfill. Vitamins take the form of liquid and solid, or that which is known as the pill.

Are liquid vitamins a better alternative to pills? This question often arises. Liquid or pill, they are both vitamin supplements. However, there has always been a contest as to which one is better--the liquid vitamins, or the pills.

When it comes to vitamins, people believe that the more vitamins taken in, the better one becomes, right? As a matter of fact, this is just one of the multitude vitamin myths which circulate through time. The intake of too much vitamins is actually wasting your time, effort, and most of all, your money. You can also be placing too much harm on yourself. Overloading yourself with vitamins is much much dangerous for you. So, to get an ultimate advantage and benefit from vitamins, it is best if you are smart enough about what you are taking and how much dosage you are taking in.

Back to the common question of are liquid vitamins a better alternative to pills, it is wise to bear in mind that liquid vitamins or vitamin pills are still both food supplements. In all angles, liquid vitamins and pills should not be mistaken to be alternatives for the basic food that the body needs. Nothing can be a better alternative to eating right. A healthy eating regimen suffices what the body truly needs. Busy people who tend to eat less healthy must consider a change in that habit, one that will still be allowed by their lifestyle. Dieting for one is also a common problem because those who commit to this may not get all the vitamins which the body needs to stay healthy.
Again, people may ask if the liquid vitamins are a better alternative to pills, there are those nutritionists who claim that people should opt for the liquid vitamins instead of the pills. Basically, the liquid vitamins are much easy to digest than the vitamin pills. Studies actually show that the people who take in vitamin pills only get a percentage of the needed daily RDA. It is for the reason that the body digests only ten percent of the vitamin pills. So, it is true, people who take the vitamin pills which contain a hundred percent of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin D for example, really only do absorb ten percent of their RDA.

If this is what happens, then this will be an inefficient way to get vitamins and minerals. Financially, this becomes a burden as well. Those who buy the vitamin pills pay in full for the supposed to be benefits but which are not further absorbed in whole by the body. Another risk of the vitamin pills is that they are not fully digested. Meaning, not all vitamin pills completely break up in the tummy, little chunks remain intact. Therefore, the risk is that these vitamin pills make their way through the excretion system and can get stuck in the intestines or colons.

Many solid vitamins are incorporated with the binding agents that pack up vitamins and minerals together in order to form pills. These chemicals contained into the solid pills are often non-digestible. It will be best when the excretion system is able to expel them from the body. The worst is, when they are absorbed into the people's system.

Are liquid vitamins a better alternative to pills? Yes, they certainly are! People can further avoid the harmful side effects of vitamin pills if they take the liquid vitamin solutions. Not only do they get fully what they pay for but that the mineral and nutrient contents are absorbed by the body much faster, and that they are sure that no little chunks can clog the intestines and colons.

About the Author

Ben Adams publishes an informative website, providing free useful and helpful information about vitamins and minerals at: Vitamin Information Guide

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