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Friday, April 11, 2008

Another blog about Ashwaganda Herb

Ashwaganda Herb ReviewsFreeplay Rechargeable Radios

You may like to start and finish your day with this delicious cocktail. Certainly the most convenient and suitable times of the day for it are around ten thirty in the morning and three o'clock in the afternoon.
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Freeplay Rechargeable Radios

Common Cold

2. Alcohol: More than two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women - can quickly lead to gout. Especially, stay away from beer.
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Common Cold

NutritionUS Government Pleased that Children get their Nutrition from Cold Cereal Each Morning

The government has stated in various ways that they are please that children get their nutrition from cold cereal, and cold milk each morning. Unfortunately nothing could be more wrong than spreading this untruth to a gullible public.

Mr. Kellogg was the person that invented cold cereal ? flakes, Os, stars, shredded something. or nuts ? many years ago. The process evolved by taking grains and stripping all the nutrients from it, making a slurry, adding chemically manufactured vitamins (which are useless) and trace minerals that are metallic and almost non-absorbable in human beings.

The process of manufacturing involves extrusion. The slurry is forced through an orifice at high temperature and high pressure. The temperature and pressure destroys every nutrient from the grain and even the chemical vitamins and the trace minerals. Unfortunately this manufactured product has sugar added to a lot of it and then fed to our children with milk (I will get to this topic in a few more paragraphs).

The latest commercials are promoting whole grains used in these cold cereals as if that is an improvement (whole grains are better than the striped down no nutrition). The problem is that the extrusion process still leaves zero nutrition in the finished product

As for all the souls that believe in organic cereals (I am very much in favor of organic products as compared to the chemical kinds), you will be disappointed that extrusion still destroys all nutrition, even in organic grains.

The sad part of this cereal dilemma is that I have not mentioned another important part of grain growing. Unless a grain is referred to as organic ? without herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides ? it has been grown with the mentioned chemicals. Herbicides and pesticides cause cancer.

Another consideration in this all American breakfast of cold cereal is the milk.

What you buy in the store is not milk in the true sense. Milk is produced by cows that are confined in small areas (as opposed to the great outdoors of green pastures) and fed concentrates ? alfalfa, grass hay, grains (corn is common and the farmer buys the cheapest available which is Genetically Engineered to have less nutrition and extra herbicides and the ever present pesticides), and other supplements.

People that produce and process milk are not too worried about cleanliness as their solution is pasteurization. In fact bacteria have gotten so bad that they have to raise the temperature of pasteurization beyond the 161 degrees. There are companies that are raising the temperature to 212 + degrees. This higher temperature not only destroys the bad bacteria, but it destroys every bit of nutrition in the milk.

We need essential beneficial fatty acids in our bodies and milk used to be a good source of the fatty acids but as soon as grains were added to cow?s diets the beneficial fatty acids disappeared.

Eat organic oats and porridges with butter and/or cream.

When you buy milk at least purchase organic. The best is Organic Valley. Also buy organic butter from this same company.

The best milk to buy is non-pasteurized, non-homogenized. Milk has natural antibacterial qualities that keep bacteria from growing. When produced by healthy farmers there is nothing to worry about.

It is good to eat healthy, but that is not processed milk, and cold cereal.

References and

In good health,

Dr Bob the Health Builder

Ethylene Gas Guardian

Cacao for nutrition

Reviews of CacaoLogin

Many of us think we will never lose as much as we want. Whatever diet or fad we choose, we probably won't be able to whittle our hulking bodies into super model frames.
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Wheatgrass Growing Kit - Pro 18 Trays with Juicer - �45.99

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Wheatgrass Growing Kit - Pro 18 Trays with Juicer - �45.99


Cosmetic surgery is performed solely to improve a person's outward physical appearance and self-esteem by correcting naturally occuring conditions that the patient is unhappy with. Cosmetic surgery may be performed by either a Plastic Surgeon or a Cosmetic Surgeon. Cosmetic surgery is generally not covered by health insurance.

Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed to correct or reduce the effects of congenital defects, accidental trauma injury, infections, tumors, and other health-related conditions. It's primary purpose is rarely to simply improve appearance except for extreme cases involving major facial or bodily damage resulting from automobile accidents, etc. Plastic Surgery may only be performed by a Plastic Surgeon.
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Holistic RemedyAre Low-Carb Diets Really Effective For Weight Loss?

How is it that the same principle of increasing protein for muscle mass (an increase in size that is) will be the self same principle for weight loss ( a decrease)? Are we being misinformed here?

We all know we require a certain quantity of protein every day to be healthy and because of propaganda to this effect, a lot of people view the daily consumption of high-protein foods such as meat and dairy as highly beneficial.

However, a diet high in protein is NOT the best at all for weight loss, in fact according to many naturopaths, such a diet may even be detrimental to ones overall health.

Because of its complexity, excessive protein along with fatty foods are the most difficult foods to digest and tend to leave one tired all the time. Moreover the common putrefaction of protein while being digested creates many acids in the body and has been known to lay the foundation for cancer.

This is not to say that proteins and fats must be avoided, quite the contrary, what should be the goal in consuming these foods should be taking in exactly what the body needs and no more. The Max Planck institute has proven that, considering that the body recycles most of its protein for its own needs, 25g of protein a day is more than enough.

Judging from these, it may be time to revise the misinforming ideas on protein in our diets.

Let?s consider some factors on why a Low Carbohydrate Diet may be unnecessary and even detrimental to one?s health.
1. The animals that are usually eaten for protein, what do they subsists on?
Substances of the Plant Kingdom for example: cows live on grass exclusively.

2. 98% of the human population is sweet toothed...which shows that carbohydrates are our main need contrary to popular belief.

3. It?s been scientifically proven that mother's milk is about 2% protein, now if this is the ideal of a growing baby for the first 3 years; of course it shows the minimal need of it. (Point of note, the milk of a woman is affected by her diet so of course that should be checked.)

4. The need of protein for the human body is about a nickel's weight worth, the excess is basically excreted in urine.

5. Based on research, the need for amino acids is highly exaggerated as only 16% or our body is Protein. Pure protein is primarily Nitrogen (N) with some Oxygen and Hydrogen and Carbon.

6. Research has been done on the diet of the aboriginal tribes living in the Mountains of Hagen. Their diet consisted of 80 % Sweet potatoes. The rest consisted of fruits and green leaf vegetables. Their daily consumption of protein was around 9.92 g. Meanwhile, eliminated in their fecal matter was a protein of around 15 times more of what was ingested. This phenomenon illustrates the protein synthesis illustrated above.

Definitely cutting back on the ?wrong? kinds of Carbohydrates such as Cakes, Confectioneries, Bread, Polished rice and the like will be mandatory for weight-loss, but replacing them with high protein foods is- just as from the points above-unnecessary and actually harmful for overall health and fitness.

In my opinion, consumption of fresh home-made salads, mono-meals of fruits, snacks on dried fruits such as dates, a few nuts and maybe even a short juice fast, as a choice for a diet (along with some form of exercise) will be the best path to attaining safe and healthy weight loss.

In Friendship,

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Website today for more on Healthy Living Tips and information on Healthy Weight Loss

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