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Sunday, December 14, 2008

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Raw Food SpecialistsNatural Acne Treatments For A Healthier Skin: Part 1

Acne sufferers have most probably studied, heard and read of many miraculous cures, which supposedly can cure your acne overnight. It's a medical fact that acne cannot be cured. Acne is a skin disorder that a person must grow out of. Don?t spend your time and money on overnight remedies.
Instead, take a minute and understand your own skin disorder so you can discover the right treatment for it.

It is important to understand from the outset that each person is different and therefore a remedy that works wonders for some people may fail completely on others. You have to decide whether you want to try conventional medical acne treatments or natural acne remedies. Chemical formulations and pharmaceutical products can trigger allergic, toxic and other adverse reactions. Natural acne treatments tend to be more gentle on the body, but results can be slower.

Natural Acne Treatment Guide

Nature's way to treat acne includes changing your diet, improving bowel function, cleansing the internal body organs using herbal products and avoiding certain foods. For
more information on treating acne, visit

Changing Your Diet

You need to stop eating foods that poison your insides. Two important elements to eliminate from your daily meals are sugar and fats. Refined sugar should be stopped altogether from entering your
system. This means eliminating sugary drinks such as sodas and certain fruit juices, sweets, candy and other sugary treats. Sugar is however required as a quick source of energy for the body. There are suitable substitutes in the form of nutritional supplements, some examples being 'Superfoods' or 'Green Drinks'. These supplements increase the body's antioxidant levels which also helps as a natural remedy for acne.

Among fats, hydrogenated oils should be cut completely out your diet. This means avoiding cookies, cakes, desserts, snack crackers and all other sources of bad fats. The best foodstuffs to replace these fats are the natural oils such as olive oil, cod liver oil, and coconut oil as well as nuts and seeds.

Food Combinations

Eating the right combination of food items is an integral part of a natural acne treatment regimen. Nutritionists suggest that you eat fruit by itself without mixing them with other food types, and particularly not following a heavy meal. Vegetables should be cooked or eaten either with oil or meat, but not combined with both in one go. Salad is perfectly acceptable to be combined with all different kinds of vegetables. Finally, starches (bread, pasta, potatoes etc.) should not be eaten together with meats.

Other Harmful Food Substances

As part of the natural acne remedy, you must stop taking harmful ingredients for example Monosodium glutamate or MSG (found in Chinese foods, processed meats and tenderizers) and the neurotoxin Aspartame (used as an artificial sweetener in diet drinks).

Internal Body Cleansing

The chief focus of natural acne treatment is internal body cleansing. This functions differently for different body organs such as kidneys and liver. Again, select a herbal formula for cleansing each of these organs.

Bowel Movement

While the majority of people have their bowels emptied once every 24 hours, natural bowel movement should be more often. In addition, a a bowel emptying should take place in 30 seconds. If it takes more than that, the digestion is slow, mainly because of the presence of difficult-to-digest foodstuffs. The poisonous waste is therefore staying dormant in the intestines for some time and this ultimately results in acne. The best method to make your bowels work easily is to cease eating processed foods and red meat, or reduce their intake. Alternatively, use any of the effective herbal formulations available in the market. '4 Total Cleanse' is one such recognized herbal formula for acne that works by improving bowel function.

Parasite Cleansing

The next stage in the natural acne treatment is cleansing your gut of parasites that can precipitate infections and result in acne. Herbal treatments are available for parasite cleansing and you can use them in combination with herbal formulations for bowel movements.

Natural acne remedies work gradually and sometimes relatively slowly thus, do not expect a miraculous recovery no matter what type of natural acne treatment you are trying out. Follow the treatment as indicated and don?t pause midway because you see some signs of improvement. At times you may need to use the treatment even after your acne has totally improved. Don?t be taken in by myths and cure remedies that have not first been approved by your medical doctor as you may further irritate your skin disorder and cause even more damage than repair.

For more, effective natural acne remedies, see part 2 of this article.

Note to Publishers: You may freely republish this article as is, without editing or modification, and all links must be kept live. The author, Gregory De Villiers, writes on a variety of health and wellness topics. Visit for more information on natural as well as conventional acne treatments.

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